Monday, February 23, 2009

e5 goes to ubin!

yesterday was a day filled with lousy bicycles, rain, shine, sweat and fun! we din want the normal dinner and chit-chat session. we wanted something new and different since it is our mid-term break now. it was really an expedition for the 5 of us, maybe more for me and goi cos it was our first time to ubin.

we did many crazy stuff there. trying to beat each other high score in this itouch game which i believed dingod hates it to the core now. trying to blend in with a should-be nus group. there was a tour guide attached to the group. he was explaining to them the mangrove habitat that can be found at the boardwalk. we totally did not understand what they were staring at among the green floating patches because we couldnt see anything except the green grass. so i started to point and stare hard at a random spot. of course, fixing lousy bicycle which had chains kept felling off and pushing our bicycles up the steep upwards slope. the craziest thing we did was where i fell. bloody hell!

it was fun to get away from the hustle and bustle of a city life sometimes. we called it a mini retreat for working hard for half the sem. let's have another expedition sometimes when we have the luxury of time again. =)


Sunday, February 15, 2009


how do you define the norm? it is something that is recognized and accepted by society as the usual. i guessed i have been living my life pretty much in the pre-planned manner, which is described by many as the norm. i want to be extraordinary but first, do i have the capability to be so?

i dont agree with the norm dinner at some posh restaurant on vday. they will come up with couple set meals that are out to exploit all consumers. i dont want to be the preys of consumerism. i am not sure if they were wondering why we were having our dinner at this ramen shop at tanjong pagar on vday or they were staring at my pretty flowers. i chose to believe the later. i just want to have a cosy, quiet and quality dinner with him.

when things go wrong in life, people usually choose to adapt and make changes. do they ever ask themselves is the change what they really want? in the wrestler, he had nothing more to lose. his daughter gave up on him and he couldnt catch the last glimpse of the woman he loved. he put his life at stake. to some, it is a stupid decision to give up on your health. i see it in a different light. at least he was doing wrestling, a kind of sports that he was passionate about, till his last breath. how many of us actually have the privilege to ever do something we love?

when the future is bleak, never to give up hope. there are always alternatives available. it is just a matter of willingness to take a different path from others. i need the courage to take that big step forward now. i need conviction to quit myself from thinking in the norm way. sometimes i think would i be a happier person if i were not trapped in this pressure cooker. i enjoy the rat race pretty much but not in way when results is all that matters.

i still want to keep that passion alive, to keep doing things i truly enjoy. be a wrestler? probably in my next life when i could withstand pain even with all the role playing going on.


thank you for making this another special and memorable day for me.

Monday, February 09, 2009


omg!! i hate myself for watching gossip girl. i dont understand why i am always so affected after watching it. i guess i dont like the direction my favourite lonely boy character is developing to. i just cant help to think what if similar incidents happen to me too? well, i dont lead the upper east life style so i dont exactly have to worry so much. ha! i hate this cynical old me, always thinking of the worst outcome, never believing that miracles do happen once in a blue moon.

i am secretly rooting for the s and d combination.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

22nd birthday weekend

my birthday weekend started on a good note. went over to my sister's house for steamboat. i was pretty amazed by how much jayden has grown since i last saw him. he looks slimmer now which i am not very happy with because i cant get with his baby fats cheeks anymore. he can lift his legs up and pull them close to his chest now! furthermore, he tried his very best to sit up in his pram until his face turned as red as a tomato. my nephew is just so adorable. =)

bday was filled with simple yet pleasant surprises. i had the traditional chinese mee sua for lunch. pretty bday card and surprise arrival of the canele chocolate royle cake. dinner was at friends @ jelita. i guessed i expect too much from the french cuisine. nevertheless, i want to go back there to try their ala cart menu. after dinner, it was a trip down to the cathay to catch bride wars. not the awards winning movie but the trailer was funny enough to capture my attention.


this bday was a super duper happy one. it was spent with my loved ones. i just couldnt stop smiling. =) let's hope all bdays will be as happy or even happier than this.